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Finding quality and useful information is a frustration faced not only by newly-injured persons and their families but also by individuals who have lived with a spinal cord injury for some time. Beyond SCI addresses this critical need for reliable and accessible information. We have compiled our resources from a wide variety of sources and made it available to all on our website. For easy and convenient reference, select a category below to view the information that will be helpful for your purpose.


intro  |  the rehab process  |  the rehab people  |  sci self-care guide
resources  |  news & links  |  contact us  |  credits

The information provided here is for general purposes only. The material is not a substitute for consultation with your health-care provider regarding your particular medical conditions and needs. The information provided does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Beyond SCI with respect to any particular advice, product, or company. Beyond SCI assumes no legal liability or responsibility that the information appearing on this website is accurate, complete, up to date, or useful for any particular purpose. Please note that information is constantly changing; therefore, some information may be out of date since the last update.

© 2002 Beyond SCI