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sci self-care guide

Here’s to Your Independence!

The goal of rehabilitation is to help you
design a lifestyle that will allow you
to function as independently as possible
within the realm of your ability.
This manual has been put together to
help you. It covers many things you
learn while you are in the hospital.
When you get home home, the manual will
serve as a resource for what you have
learned. The information is there to
answer any questions that may arise
about caring for yourself. This manual
does not replace your SCI clinic or
physician. If you really get in a jam,
call your nearest SCI center.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Spinal Cord Injury Anatomy & Physiology
Chapter 2 Skin Care
Chapter 3 Circulatory System
Chapter 4 Respiratory Care
Chapter 5 Range of Motion
Chapter 6 Bladder Management
Chapter 7 Bowel Management
Chapter 8 Nutrition
Chapter 9 Medications
Chapter 10 Nerves, Muscles, and Bones
Chapter 11 Autonomic Dysreflexia
Chapter 12 Pressure Sores
Chapter 13 Psychosocial Adjustment
Chapter 14 Sexual Health and Rehabilitation
Chapter 15 Community Resources
Chapter 16 Vocational Rehabilitation
Chapter 17 Recreation
Chapter 18 Driver’s Training
Chapter 19 Attendant Management
Chapter 20 Home Modifications
Chapter 21 Approaching Discharge
Chapter 22 Pain after Spinal Cord Injury
Chapter 23 Substance Abuse and SCI
Chapter 24 Exercise
Chapter 25 Alternative Medicine
Chapter 26 Equipment
Chapter 27 Staying Healthy... and a Bedtime Story

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First Chapter

The information provided here is for general purposes only. The material is not a substitute for consultation with your health-care provider regarding your particular medical conditions and needs. The information provided does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Beyond SCI with respect to any particular advice, product, or company. Beyond SCI assumes no legal liability or responsibility that the information appearing on this website is accurate, complete, up to date, or useful for any particular purpose. Please note that information is constantly changing; therefore, some information may be out of date since the last update.

© 2002 Beyond SCI