CURRENCYThe unit of currency is the Malaysian Ringgit indicated as RM. Foreign currency can be converted at banks and Money Changers.
The country's regulation requires all travellers to declare the amount of local and foreign currencies in their possession on arrival at and departure from Malaysia. Traveller's declaration forms (TDF) for this purpose can be obtained from any Malaysian Embassy, High Comission, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Office and at all entry/exit points in Malaysia
Non-resident travellers entering Malaysia are permitted to import up to a maximum amount of RM1,000.00 only and any amount of foreign currencies. Conversely, they are permitted to export an amount of RM1,000.00 only and foreign currencies not more than what was originally brought into the country.
Resident travellers are permitted to import Ringgit notes up to RM1,000.00 and any amout of foreign currencies. However, they are permitted to export an amount of RM1,000.00 and foreign currencies up to an equivalent of RM10,000.00 only. Prior approval is required for the import and export of the Malaysian Ringgit and the export of foreign currency for an amount over and above what is permitted.
AIRPORT TAXAirport Tax of RM5.00 is imposed for domestic flights and RM40.00 for international flights during departure.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTSVisitors to Malaysia must be in possession of a valid passport or travel documents with a minimum validity of six months beyond the intended visiting period. Most nationalities do not require visas for social or business visits.
For further information, please check with the nearest Malaysian diplomatic mission or Tourism Malaysia Office.
CLIMATETropical climate with warm and humid weather all year round. Temperatures range from 21°C to 32°C. Annual rainfall varies from 2000mm to 2500mm.
ELECTRICITYVoltage is 220-240 volts AC at 50 cycles per second.
TELEPHONESLocal calls can be made from public phones using coins or pre-paid cards. International calls can be made from public phones with card phone facilities or at any Telekom Malaysia office.
POST OFFICEOpen from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily except Sundays and public holidays. In Kedah, Kelantan and Terengganu, post office are closed on Fridays and public holidays.
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