This is what you can do............participate in the interactive workshop sessions on November 30th and December 1st 1999 of Campaign '99 conference
Just to recall, the topics are as follows:
- Access to the Built Environment
- Advocacy and Empowerment
- Ageing with Disability
- Appropriate Technology
- Arts and Culture
- Children with Disabilities
- Community Based Rehabilitation
- Community Development Programmes
- Disability Prevention
- Disability Work in Disaster/Crisis Situations
- Economic Crisis and Economic Independence
- Education
- Gender and Disability Issues
- Human Resource Development and Training
- Independent Living
- Indigenous Approaches in Rehabilitation
- Information Technology
- Research and Development
- Self-help and Self-reliance
- Sexuality
- Social Security
- Socio-Cultural Issues
- Sports and Leisure
- Vocational Diversification
- Volunteerism in Disability Work
WHY SHOULD YOU PARTICIPATE?...Well this is your opportunity to
1. Share your experience
2. Exchange ideasBut most of all
3. Help the committee collect information that concern you to the of National Coordination
Committee (NCC)Remember, the NCC is the highest National Executive & Coordination body on disability issues in Malaysia, comprising a multi-sectoral representation that has the nation's executive support and the disabled persons' representation as well as participation.
It reports to the government, hence this way your voice gets heard, giving opportunity for issues that concern you to be acted upon…
That way, you can help ensure all persons with disability in Malaysia attain a satisfactory quality of life.
Here's more information about NCC.
THE MALAYSIAN NATIONAL COORDINATION COMMITTEE (NCC) ON DISABILITY CONCERNSThe management of disability issues is an area involving multi-dimensional perspectives, requiring multi-sectoral collaboration and commitment, to ensure effective, appropriate and sustainable implementation of the required interventions.
The Economic & Social Commission on the Asia Pacific (ESCAP) of the United Nations, in recognising this global need, has recommended the establishment of National Coordination Committees in all nations involved in the ESCAP agenda for the Asian and Pacific regions. Malaysia, as a co-signatory of the Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific region, and as a nation committed to the caring concept of life, established the Malaysian National Coordination Committee (NCC) on disability on the 25th of February 1998, replacing the Implementation Committee for the Well-being of Disabled Persons that had been established on the 30th of August 1990.
The NCC is chaired by the Minister of National Unity & Social Development, and is accountable to the Prime Minister and Cabinet. It consists of representatives from the following agencies:
i) Non-governmental agencies
- Malaysian Rehabilitation Council
- Malaysian Paralympics Council
- National Coordination Committee for Community Based Rehabilitation
- National Council of Women's Associations
ii) Self -help organisations / others
- Malaysian Association of Disabled Persons
- Malaysian Association of the Deaf
- Malaysian Association of the Blind
- Malaysian Spinal Injury Association
- Identiti Teknologi (M) Sdn Bhd (Cybercafé division)
- Dasar Architect
- Disability Research Centre
- Malaysian Association for the Blind
- Medical Rehabilitation Unit, Universiti Hospital
- Serangkai Holdings Sdn. Bhd.
- Federation of Malaysian Disabled Persons Associations
iii) Government agencies
- Ministry of National Unity & Social Development
- Ministry of Labour
- Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Arts
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Housing & Local Government
- Ministry of Education
- Ministry of Health
- Ministry of Works & Public Utilities
- Ministry of Rural Development
- Ministry of Youth & Sports
- Ministry of Transport
- Ministry of Information
- Attorney General's department
- Broadcasting department
The NCC actions and targets are briefly as follows:-
- Formulation of a National Plan of Action for Disabled Persons, incorporating it into the National Development Plans
- Prioritise and promote participation of poor persons with disabilities in all poverty alleviation programmes
- Strengthen the NCC's role as a prominent statutory body with adequate resources and infrastructure
- Enable representation of women with disabilities to be involved in national level policy and decision making issues relating to them
- Ensure mechanism for monitoring, evaluation and adequate multi-sectoral allocation for implementation of targets of the country's ESCAP Agenda for Action.
The NCC efforts and success would be complimented by feedback, and proposals, on all relevant issues from interested parties.
It can be reached via the nominated representatives listed above, or by correspondence to the NCC secretariat at the following address:
National Coordination Committee on Disability
Ministry of National Unity & Social Development
20th Floor, Wisma Bumi Raya
Jalan Raja Laut
50562 Kuala Lumpur
"Malaysia 2020 - A developed nation, a caring nation,
and a truly integrated nation"
Campaign'99 Main Page | Introduction | Selamat Datang | Message from the President of MCR | Organising Committee | Programme Schedule | Call For Abstracts |
Workshops | Registration | Submit your registration and abstracts |
Important Information |
The Venue | Scientific Programme Update |